Our in-store selection of Native American jewelry will surprise you! We carry a vast collection of squash blossoms, Concho belts, inlay bracelets, and rings; in all different types of turquoise, coral, spiny oyster, jet, white buffalo, and wild horse; from Hopi, Zuni, Kewa/Santo Domingo, and Navajo artists.
Turquoise has become extremely rare especially spider web turquoise, bird's eye turquoise, Kingman turquoise, Bisbee turquoise, and Number 8 turquoise. Sterling silver jewelry worn on the red carpet has been very common. Most of the Native jewelry we carry was made between the 1900s and 1970s, when "old pawn" Native jewelry was at it's peak.
Fred Harvey Era Eagle Money ClipEagle is 925 money clip is base metal 1 1/2x 5/8
Fred Harvey Era Sterling Arrow Tomahawk w/ turquoise 1 1/2 x 1/4”
Native American Sterling Coral Hand Made Spoon 3 3/4”
Native American Sterling Turquoise Hand Made Spoon 4 x 5/8”
Herman Tenario Turquoise Earrings Comes in classic turquoise, purple, and green. Refer to picture of earring back for scale. Financing Click For Financing Options Wells Fargo financing is up to...
Native American Sterling Turquoise Hand Made Spoon 3 1/4 x 7/8”
Turquoise Stabilized Turquoise -- Kingman Stabilized Turquoise price per pound
Jeremy Harrison Navajo Sterling Silver Earrings 3 1/2”x 1/4” handmade French wires sand finished one side and high polish other side twisted!
Fred Harvey Era Sterling Arrow w/ turquoise 1 1/2 x 3/8”
Native American Sterling Turquoise Book Mark4 x 1/2” vintage hand stamped
Native American Sterling Turquoise Book Mark3 3/4 x 1/2” vintage hand stamped J. Wright Navajo
Fred Harvey Era Sterling Eagle w/ turquoise 1 1/2 x 3/8”
Vintage Souvenir Sterling Earrings composite turquoise 3/4/3/8”
Vintage Sterling Turquoise ring Size 5 1/4x 3/8” ring may be sized for nominal fee, please call store 505-884-4888
Fred Harvey Era Baby Bracelet Sterlingnon turquoise 4 1/8 x 3/8” opening 1 1/2” inside 4”
Fred Harvey Era Baby Turquoise Bracelet Sterling4 1/8” x 3/8” opening 1 1/2” inside 3 7/8”
Fred Harvey Era Sterling Bracelet 4 1/8” x 1/4” opening 1” inside 3 7/8”
Fred Harvey Turquoise Bracelet 4 1/4 x 1/4” opening 1” inside 4”
Vintage Sterling Agate Ring size 7 1 x 1/4” All rings can be sized for a nominal fee, please call our store!
Sterling Vintage Native American Tie Clip1 7/8 x 1/2” hand stamped Can possibly be used as a money clip